Clothing & Footwear

The art of staying cool

Davin Knudsen

14 August 2023

There’s nothing quite like playing golf in August. There’s big competitions and trophies to be won. Plus, the course is always in pristine condition.


Naturally, a big attraction to being out on the course during the summer is the sublime August weather. While there’s no better feeling than taking to the course with your friends when the sun’s shining, making sure you’re well equipped and protected is key.

Did you know that most golf-specific polos boast UV protection & material to keep you cool on a hot summer’s day?

Thankfully, the material in the latest golf apparel from PING is designed to keep you feeling cool and refreshed for long periods of time. It’s incredibly difficult to play good golf and enjoy your round when the heat’s getting to you and you’re feeling a bit hot under the collar. Luckily, these dazzling golf polo shirts will keep you playing with a smile on your face all round long.


Moisture-wicking properties

When you’re outside playing golf in the hot summer sun, getting sweaty is unavoidable. Thankfully, modern golf clothing has moisture-wicking sweat-relief properties that help reduce sensations of dampness and unwanted odors. Keeping you playing happy and comfortable in the sunny weather.


UV Protection

If you’re out in the sun for too long without adequate protection, you’ll undoubtedly feel dizzy and overheat. To help keep you safe from the sun’s harsh rays, golf apparel comes ready-made with a certain degree of UV protection. You can rest assured that your torso and shoulders will be safe from sunburn on those brighter rounds.

Both of these qualities can be found in the latest range of PING golf clothing. These polo shirts can all boast of being stylish and fun, while also being incredibly practical.


Two Tone Polo

If you prefer to subtle shirts with interesting styles, the Two Tone is definitely one you’ll want to consider adding to your wardrobe. This dark navy shirt features blue spherical and semicircular shapes that resemble golf balls evenly places throughout the fabric. Highlights of red on certain icons give the shirt a real breath of variety. You’ll feel confident and ready for action when you head to the course in this polo.


Elevation Polo

The Elevation Polo from PING eye-catching, comfortable, and certain to help you take your game to new heights. The shirt is a striking dark navy in colour, and features a delicate arrangement of circular lilac shapes on the right shoulder. This unique and daring design will give you a distinct appearance, so you’ll both look and feel superb.


Jay Polo

If you’re a fan of lighter colours, the Jay Polo will be a fine addition to any outfit you’re planning. This shirt again features PING’s signature circular patterns, this time silver shapes running over a blue base. The PING brand name appears on the right shoulder. This shirt will look particularly alive when the sun’s shining down accentuating the garment’s colours. A lovely shirt indeed!


Cillian Polo

You don’t always need a whole range of patterns and colours going on to pull of a striking look, and the Cillian Polo is a prime example. This simple-yet-effective shirt is a dark navy and features delicate seams throughout, that neatly divides the fabric up into miniature squares. Highlights of light green pleasantly brighten up the placket. What’s not to love?

These shirts are just a taste of all the fantastic PING clothing we currently have available in the pro shop. We’re sure to have something to your tastes in stock, so why not pop by the pro shop the next time you’re visiting the club?

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